Thursday, June 16, 2011

Know Michael Hellickson

Michael Hellickson who is famous in Real Estate Business is now  the founder of and President of Clubwealth Coaching .  They  specializes Shortsale and REO’s. He is much more than just an entertaining speaker and a powerful coach, he is an active Broker. Michael is a straight shooter that doesn’t pull punches or hold back.

Michael will help you using his contacts and introducing you to the right people for you to be successful in obtaining REO accounts. He is a networking machine and has the tools and experience to help anyone succeed in this business. His passion, focus and ethics make him a natural to guide Real Estate professionals to amazing growth in their business true visionary within the industry.

Michael for advice and coaching on a variety of topics including short sales, finding buyers for assets, training agents and dealing with homeowners. His coaching skills inspired many clients and learn many techniques in how to handle their business. It’s a effective way to. Michael Hellickson is a straight shooter that doesn’t pull punches or hold back